Peter Scott
14th January 2015
I subscribe to a certain literary journal, which I’ll call the London Review of Books. Subscribe to it, but almost never read it. Who has time to do that, academics and book publishers apart? Every… Read article
21st November 2013
Close to Home
The 6th November, 2001 is not a day in which history is especially interested. But those who watched Fox in the US that evening might remember it. The first episode of 24 had been put back so as not t… Read article
26th July 2013
Graven Names
Glasgow It’s the height of it, I think, that’s so remarkable. A city on a hill, Glasgow Necropolis, where the dead overlook the living. I cross the bridge from the cathedral, covered up while wo… Read article
23rd April 2013
Gone Fishing
Perhaps I should not have been a fisherman, he thought. But that was the thing that I was born for. (The Old Man and the Sea, Ernest Hemingway) I do not fish. I have fished, I have been fishing, bu… Read article
24th January 2013
Table for one
In a tiny Tuscan hilltop town not far from Chiusi, there is a modest trattoria which I will call Lilla, perching on the downslope of one of the steep streets that draw the eye towards Siena. Some year… Read article
18th October 2012
The Long Slide
Decidedly it will never have been given to me to finish anything, except perhaps breathing. One must not be greedy. (Malone Dies, Samuel Beckett) Too many people are opting out. It was always expecte… Read article
16th July 2012
This is Legacy
In 2007, a group of us attempted to walk the circumference of the Olympic Park in Stratford. It was surrounded by a blue fence, the colour of the off-licence plastic bags strewn across the canal towpa… Read article
9th April 2012
Smoking Ban
This is not a confession. This is not a story or a parable, a manifesto or a warning, a love letter or a fantasy, self-help or recruitment drive. If it mattered when I first tried a cigarette, I coul… Read article
9th March 2012
I never used to get angry. Though there were, certainly, days when a certain thing, perhaps this thing or perhaps that other thing, might have piqued me like a mosquito. Of course there were. I’d … Read article
9th January 2012
Chasing Shadows
Between the ideaAnd the realityBetween the motionAnd the act (‘The Hollow Men’, T.S. Eliot, 1925) Boxers are liars. They have to be, eventually. They lie about their condition, for promotion, … Read article
Peter Scott is a magazine publisher who lives in London. @PeteJRScott