Issue Fourteen
J.R. Carpenter
Once Upon a Tide
Read J.R. Carpenter's Introductory Essay to 'Once Upon a Tide'. - ... READ FASTER. READ SLOWER. STOP. NEXT. … Read article
Karl O'Hanlon
Two Poems
1. Verger On 3 January 1857, Monseigneur Marie-Dominique-Auguste Sibour, the Archbishop of Paris, was assassinated by a priest, Jean-Louis Verger, at the church of St Etienne-du-Mont. The assassin op… Read article
Matthew Sperling
When was the last time Sam sat in this room. It must have been three years ago. April 2012. Nothing had changed in the room since then, except that the plastic chairs were now a bit more scuffed and k… Read article
Philip Sidney
Birds and the Breeze
Midnight: we’re in the final throes of Virginia Woolf’s novel Orlando, at the end of the protagonist’s journey from the Elizabethan era to what was then the present, Thursday 11 October, 1928. … Read article
Matilda Bathurst
Paris Pratique
Paris. Neatly numbered by arrondissements and perfectly hemmed in by the Périphérique, it's a gift for storytelling. While tales of other cities find their charm in a sense of sprawl, the impossibil… Read article
Thomas Marks
Green Lanes
Green Lanes. It sounds pastoral, nostalgic, faintly utopian – like some network of ancient drovers’ tracks and holloways that endures furtively in a pocket of deep England. But Green Lanes could h… Read article
Laura Kilbride
Boy With a Coney
for Ian Patterson Hearing of molten rock which fell to mountains, meeting with three-faced statues on the beaches, returning suddenly to the fact of marble on sand dunes where the wind whips round my… Read article
Claire Wilkinson
La Guajira
A series of coves pits the coast of Colombia’s Guajira Peninsula as it arcs northward into the Caribbean Sea: the Bahía Portete, the Bahía Honda, the Bahía Hondita. From the ground, these bays ar… Read article
Jo Lennan
A Land of Hope and Glory
‘A twenty-four degree summer’s day,’ the pilot said as they descended. It was dawn and the drifts of cloud flushed pink like new rose petals. Incredibly, wildflowers were pushing up beside the r… Read article
Editor’s Note
List of Contributors
Matilda Bathurst
Matilda Bathurst is a copywriter and freelance journalist. https://matildabathurst.
J.R. Carpenter
J. R. Carpenter is a Canadian artist, writer, researcher, performer and maker of maps, zines, books, poetry, short fiction, long fiction, non-fiction, and non-linear, intertextual, hypermedia, and computer-generated narratives. She lives in South Devon, England. @jr_carpenter
Laura Kilbride
Laura Kilbride was born in 1988 and grew up in the North East of England. She is a fellow in English at Murray Edwards College (formerly New Hall), Cambridge. Her first pamphlet, Errata, came out from tipped press in 2011. In the Square, a long poem, was published in 2014 by Punch Press.
Jo Lennan
Jo Lennan’s reportage appears in Time Magazine, The Economist, and Australia’s The Monthly. She has won awards for her short fiction and a novel manuscript in progress. @jolennan
Thomas Marks
Thomas Marks is a writer, editor, and recovering academic. @Tomwmarks
Karl O'Hanlon
Karl O'Hanlon was born in Belfast. He is a founding co-editor of Eborakon. His work appears or will appear in Blackbox Manifold, Agenda, and Stand.
Philip Sidney
Philip Sidney is, among other things, Literary Editor of Quadrapheme. He lives in Kent. @P_W_E_S
Matthew Sperling
Matthew Sperling writes poetry, fiction and criticism. He lives in London. @matt_sperling
Claire Wilkinson
Claire Wilkinson is writing her doctoral thesis in the Faculty of English at Cambridge. She loves Colombia. @clairiew