Issue Five
Alexandra Chalat
Hope Behind Bars
On a hot day just outside Cape Town, a group of young men kick around a football. Bouncing it off their knees and heading it up to the sky first, they then complete one drill after another under the b… Read article
James Purdon
Three Notes in Scotland
1 It is already late in August when we catch the train north, but in Scotland the branches are empty. Pallid fruit cling singly here and there to the few apple and plum trees in my mother’s garde… Read article
Matthew Sperling
The first time I injected steroids, two years ago, I decided to pin my right quad. I drew the oils from the vial into the syringe with a thick 19-gauge pin, changed that for a 25-gauge, warmed the gea… Read article
Susanna Hislop
On the Pill
…the women come and go… (T.S. Eliot) Tuesday. It says, as I pop the pale yellow pill through the foil. The passing days terrify me. Is this how I will measure out my life? With Dianette? I am 18… Read article
Duncan White
At Haworth
Wordsworth compared his work to a 'gothic church', while Proust wanted his fiction appreciated as one would a cathedral: to writers with a sense of their own grandeur, the book is a blueprint of a mag… Read article
Thomas Marks
On Not Sitting Through It
It might as well start with a queue for the Gents: but it starts, when it starts, with a man in a chair. A thick-set man in an armchair, with grey beard and unkempt hair, who’s lowered through a tra… Read article
Jonathan Pearson
Beyond Repair
It was unquestionably broken. No doubt about it. Looking away then looking back hadn’t improved the situation, nor had closing my eyes and wishing really hard. The basement floor where I stood was s… Read article
Peter Scott
The Long Slide
Decidedly it will never have been given to me to finish anything, except perhaps breathing. One must not be greedy. (Malone Dies, Samuel Beckett) Too many people are opting out. It was always expecte… Read article
Arthur House
A Guest
Dusk was falling when we overshot the turning. It was a Sunday in early spring, and it had been a warm day, but now, as the sun weakened in the hedgerows, the air was beginning to return to a brittle … Read article
Florence Waters
Grandpa Budgie
Crackers used to fly freely around our old Oxfordshire farmhouse. He was free to escape, but he never did, and free to sit with us, which he did often. His favourite perch was Grandpa Budgie’s head.… Read article
Editor’s Note
List of Contributors
Alexandra Chalat
Alexandra Chalat is the Director of Beyond Sport. She has written for the New Yorker, Art Review, Philadelphia Weekly, and Art in London Magazine. @beyondsport
Susanna Hislop
Susanna Hislop is an actor, writer and theatre maker living in London. @SusannaHislop
Arthur House
Arthur House is a writer based in London. @arthur_house
Thomas Marks
Thomas Marks is a writer, editor, and recovering academic. @Tomwmarks
Jonathan Pearson
Jonathan Pearson is a writer based in London. @jonnyzpearson
James Purdon
James Purdon is a founding editor of The Junket. He teaches Modern and Contemporary literature at the University of St Andr @jamespurdonPeter Scott
Peter Scott is a magazine publisher who lives in London. @PeteJRScott
Matthew Sperling
Matthew Sperling writes poetry, fiction and criticism. He lives in London. @matt_sperling
Florence Waters
Florence Waters is a freelance arts writer.
Duncan White
Duncan White is a writer and academic. He lives in Boston.