Issue One


Covert Culture

We may assume we are in the presence of covert culture when we note a recurrent pattern of inconsistent or seemingly illogical behavior. When most people in a given society or sub-society adhere to in… Read article

On Knowing the Words

I have started learning poems by heart again. The first time round, I was six and under orders from Mrs Russell, a primary-school teacher who sometimes said ‘bugger’ loudly in the classroom and wh… Read article

‘The Wall’, or, What I Talk About When I Talk About the 400 Metres

The first time I vomited from running was the first time I ran the 400 metres. It was my freshman year of high school, at an indoor track meet against our rivals, Ipswich. Like most high school sports… Read article


It puts me in a difficult position – emotionally, professionally, sometimes physically – when a friend asks for my advice about breastfeeding. This is largely because any knowledge I have on the … Read article

On Killing Squirrels

For the last few years, I’ve worked with an Air Arms S200 pre-charged pneumatic air rifle propped against my desk. It began as a precaution against mice, who’d taken advantage of the decreasing fa… Read article

Picking the Lock

It is September. It is a Monday. But it feels nothing like a Monday morning at all. My mother is driving us down a Dorset lane as narrow, winding and nostalgic as the neurological pathways hotwiring m… Read article

Omiyage: a souvenir

I Ikimasenka, watashitachi? when the evening is spread out against the sky, can we visit the temples together, ishoni? They light them up each night, and I would like to see the golden and the silve… Read article

Lethe’s Children

Die Nacht ist vorbeiEin neuer Tag beginntAlles strömtStadtkindBerlin, du gibst mir die KraftBin ‘n Teil von dirStadtkind (more…)… Read article

Nights at the Opera

In the first 28 years of my life, I went to the opera, oh, six or seven times. In the year or so since, I’ve been to 15 different productions. My knowledge of the music is not deep. I can tell a Wa… Read article

Rituals of an Obituarist

There is a smell that comes with them now, with writing. Five months ago an e-mail was sent around my Cambridge college seeking people willing to write obituaries for deceased alumni. Help was requir… Read article