Issue Six



I was drinking gin / at an airport bar in California, I think, / awaiting a flight / to Denver. / They were showing the golf / at St. Andrew’s. / It was / evening in Fife, / and the sun was lobbing … Read article

De Kooning, a Retrospective

seated man, clown, a stitch in your neck / saves time / teeth platter, palette seat, italics / creamy breast / light-hearted evil eye— / ‘a major at forty’ / ART BEGINS AT FORTY. / Only ego to t… Read article

On Lodging

Lodger. It sounds a sad thing. Still, whenever talk turns to houses and someone asks if I own, it seems best to own up. I am a lodger. Not a tenant or lease-holder or anything else, but a lodger, rent… Read article

Looking After #numbertwo

Nothing happens unless first a dream. (Carl Sandburg) In the bar of a Holiday Inn in Ipswich I find myself in conversation with the writer of a popular television drama, when the subject of Twitter c… Read article

Table for one

In a tiny Tuscan hilltop town not far from Chiusi, there is a modest trattoria which I will call Lilla, perching on the downslope of one of the steep streets that draw the eye towards Siena. Some year… Read article


The music of tango is the hoarse curse of the woman to her lover. It’s the insolent hand that creeps to the cusp of a man’s hipbone, retreats, silent and knowing. Tango is the woman's dance. Even … Read article


Seeing the love of your life for the first time since she left you is one thing. Seeing her perform naked at a live art event, defecating into a condom and then masturbating with it is another thing, … Read article

To My Unborn Child

I went to a party once – a long time ago, once upon a time – and it was fine, but fairly boring. (Parties had started to get more boring at around that time). There were lots of my friends there… Read article

Dr Eckleburg’s Myopia

When I was growing up in Chicago, my mother kept a large print on the kitchen wall, showing a New Yorker’s View of the World from 9th Avenue, a map with skyscrapers and a large Hudson River in the … Read article

In the Audience

In Daumier’s Le Mélodrame, a heaving crowd watches the climax of the play. On stage, a woman swoons. The love triangle is resolved, a man lies dead. Meanwhile, outside, Hausmann’s plan is taking … Read article