James Draney
On the 343
14th October 2016
In 2012, the number 343 bus caught fire outside my bedroom window in southeast London. Caught fire might be misleading. Rather, it exploded, rattling my windows, waking me up, and drawing most of the … Read article
Nick Hunt
I drove past Fung’s a few days ago. Of course, it isn’t Fung’s now. It’s an empty building surrounded by weeds, an ugly breezeblock shell. There’s plywood over the sliding doors, and a spind… Read article
Nathan Dunne
Silent Motorcade
One of the most iconic amateur films of the last century was Abraham Zapruder’s footage of the JFK assassination. At only 26.6 seconds it has grown to become a visual touchstone of 1960s America, sp… Read article
Felicity Cloake
Turnspit Tykes
I know every dog owner thinks theirs is special – but my cairn terrier really is. So monstrously wilful is this outrageous beast, so magnificently unconcerned with pleasing anyone but his fat furry … Read article
Beci Carver
Rufus Emmanuel
17th March 2014
Rufus Emmanuel is the name of a nasty little creep I met at a party. He’s nine years old, small for his age, tastelessly dressed, and he responds to everything I say with, ‘Really? That seems unli… Read article
Ned Beauman
Making Of
16th September 2013
Jon’s initial plan is to smear a teddy bear with dog food and drag it through the streets of Kilyos. The town is full of stray dogs, so he hopes that by the time we get back out into the countryside… Read article
Benjamin Johncock
Tin Men
21st November 2012
At the time, he hadn’t realised how serious the situation had been. ‘If anything happens to me,’ he remembered his father saying. ‘You have to look after your mother and sister.’ He was 11… Read article
Sofia Walker
Paree, Paree
28th August 2012
She professed to love this country more than any other. But I sensed that for her, as for M. and Mme Verdurin, the great thing was not to contemplate the country as tourists, but to eat well there, to… Read article
Peter Scott
9th March 2012
I never used to get angry. Though there were, certainly, days when a certain thing, perhaps this thing or perhaps that other thing, might have piqued me like a mosquito. Of course there were. I’d … Read article
James Purdon
An Awkward Silence
18th November 2011
It started on the morning of Armistice Day. Amid the distributed hubbub of Twitter, a few people began to voice surprise at a series of messages posted from the official account of the Public Order Br… Read article
Arthur House
Lunchtime, Ukraine International Airlines
8th November 2011
We are high in the sky, not far from Chernobyl, as the three-eyed crow flies. I am staring out of the window, wondering how a landscape so unremittingly flat and dull could be known as steppe, when lu… Read article
Peter Scott
18th August 2011
In the analysis and discussion of recent events in England, many have struggled to identify causes, and provide explanations and understandings of behaviour that most hardly recognise. This frustratin… Read article
Peter Scott
Ex Libris
31st March 2011
There’s a dirty little game to pass the time in libraries. It takes two or more participants, an interest in foreign spines and a nose for the obscure. One player shuffles off for a stroll in the s… Read article
Arthur House
Rush Hour, Nairobi
24th February 2011
Nairobi is often described as the hub of East Africa, but if there’s a wheel attached to it, there’s no way it can be revolving. Not at the moment, at least. I am sitting in three lanes of traf… Read article
Thomas Marks
On Writing and Not Writing
For as long as I have wanted to be a writer, I have been on the verge of giving up writing. In the last five years alone, I have made time not to write: a collaborative prose ramble around London’s … Read article
Tom Offland
14th October 2016
The Famennian Age Extinction Last night I saw the Famennian Age Extinction in an off-licence in Camberwell Green. It was dressed in hospital sandals and soiled hospital slacks. Holding a leather hosp… Read article
Molly Taylor
I am happy staying put; not joining in. But your sun-stroked face keeps peeping around the corner of the day room: eyes locked, that fierce smile, your whole heaving body beckoning me to better w… Read article
Emma Bielecki
Camera obscura
A pinhole camera is a simple device: light passes through an aperture into a box, and an inverted image of the outside is projected on to the opposite wall. Build-your-own kits are sold as novelties, … Read article
J.R. Carpenter
Once Upon A Tide
26th May 2015
‘Once upon a Tide’ is a variable, restless, shifting narrative. Turns of phrase, stage directions, and lines of dialogue from Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1610-11) are randomly, repeatedly, and so… Read article
Nick Richardson
Völuspá: The Seeress’s Prophecy
6th January 2014
A Preface to the Poem 'Völuspá' compresses the whole of the Norse vision of the universe’s history and future into its 60-odd short stanzas. It is narrated by a seeress, or Völva, who is request… Read article
Tim Smith-Laing
The Militarists
14th August 2013
My friend the artist once told me an anecdote – an illustrative story – about a captain of the emergency forces, in the days of our relative youth. He, the artist, had come to show me some proofs … Read article
Olivia Laing
My Grained Ash
30th October 2012
My grained Ash an hundred times hath broke,And scarr'd the moon with splinters. There’s a storm coming in over New York. Hurricane Sandy. I’m up late, thousands of miles away on the south coa… Read article
Tim Smith-Laing
Cemeteries by the Sea
30th May 2012
A few days ago I finished translating Paul Valéry’s Le Cimetière Marin. I was pleased to finish, considering that it must have taken me a little over two years. It’s easy enough to lose track of… Read article
Peter Carpenter
21st February 2012
‘radiant with bovine life’ (E.M. Forster) ‘It’s raining but I don’t believe it’s raining’ (G.E. Moore) i Docks, nettles, self-sown sycamo… Read article
Thomas Marks
Albion Street, Lewes
14th November 2011
Packs of men, women, and children are rounding the corner of Albion Street with their hands full of fire. The blazing torches they clutch look like matchsticks made for a giant and their flames burn i… Read article
Thomas Marks
Four Poems
26th August 2011
Afterings The world turned turtle on me. After the footnotes and the remedies, After the mental embassies, The missed alarms and deadline days, The world turned turtle. (more…)… Read article
James Purdon
Assange in the Eighteenth Century
20th May 2011
In a Virginia court room, away from the press, the US government is embarking on a grand jury investigation into the affaire WikiLeaks. Having learned from its mistake — storing classified data in… Read article
James Purdon
On Orford Ness
3rd March 2011
Late September on the coast of Suffolk, with the sky curdling into low cloud. From the mainland pier, Orford Ness is a low flat slate-grey spit, tapering to a wire of horizon at each end. Between her… Read article
Peter Scott
The Whole Package
24th February 2011
I’m writing this 30 yards from the Red Sea, sat on a sun lounger in Sharm el-Sheikh. It’s the first week of 2011, and I’m surrounded by British people, bar one young Egyptian man who sells massa… Read article